Transform Your Life & 

ReProgram Your Thoughts and Emotions for Lasting Bliss in 80 Minutes 

Break Free from Your Self-Sabotaging Ways and ReLearn How to Live a Life of Bliss with Henosis Signature ReProgram Online Program - Get access Now! What is there to lose?

Are you struggling to find a purpose or meaning in life, leading to feelings of emptiness or dissatisfaction?

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

  • Increase awareness of obliviousness and challenge understanding
  • Utilise natural manifesting ability and tools to turn thoughts into reality
  • Recognise and regain unintentionally given away power
  • ReProgram thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to become conscious
  • Practice mindful activities to increase consciousness and life impact awareness
  • Completion leads to a more enlightened and purposeful life.

This program becomes a foundation for practicing mindfulness, which can help reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to an overall improvement in mental well-being. This will directly impact your levels of daily gratitude which will impact your overall happiness in a very positive way.

Improved relationships

Once we become conscious of our own self-judgments, we tend to judge others less and feel more compassion for those around us. It will help you develop more positive and compassionate attitudes towards others, leading to improved communication and relationships with deeper connections.

Enhanced focus and productivity

The ReProgam can help you stay present and focused, allowing you to be more productive and efficient in your work and daily activities. This enhanced focus and productivity will not only occur on your current projects and life, but a clearer vision will appear for what you really want to be.

ReProgram Online

Are you tired of feeling stuck and unfulfilled in life? The ReProgram offers you the chance to stop robbing yourself of the awe-inspiring nature of life and take control of your emotions and mental well-being through simple daily practices. You'll learn how to reclaim your power by DeProgramming old, unhelpful habits and thought patterns. And if you're willing to devote time and effort to the practices, you'll discover the action steps needed to start ReProgramming your life for not just happiness and abundance, but for your life's purpose. Don't wait any longer to take charge of your life - enroll in the ReProgram today!

Happy customers

Beau Chase

Senior Business Sales Consultant

Profound Wisdom.. on a platter

"This puts really profound wisdom into simple bite-size concepts to comprehend . It reminded me of the lessons of the past and to hold myself to a higher standard. He went into a deep dive that Yogis would spend 15 years procuring and handed it on a platter."

Pauline Brookes

Healer & Business Automation Specialist

Leading to a far more loving world

"I wish I could bottle the wisdom and energy at these events for everyone I know. If we all lived to these standards, we would be in a far more loving world."

Yong Nieva


Resonate on this level

"I've resonated on this level for 30 years, and it has lead to an extraordinarily abundant life now owning several restaurants and travel the world almost 3 months of the year."

Course Modules


Module 1: Never Ending Student


Welcome to Module 1, where we question everything we know, and understand what emptying our cup truly means. I will go through in short detail my current incarnations remarkable life journey and then talk about some “new” scientific discoveries that helped me bridge my disbelief in the unseen world. We will be able to get to a point where I explain how our attachment to the knowledge and the expectations we have, has created our reality of happiness or unhappiness.


Module 2: You are a Manifestor


Become aware you are a manifesting being, and what you focus on, good or bad, becomes your reality.

My goal in Module 2 is to help you see that your external world is a direct reflection of your internal world. What we say and think becomes our reality, and then what we repeat becomes our subconscious habitual behaviours, which becomes second nature, or our default mode.


Module 3: ReProgram & ReClaim your Power


Welcome to Module 3, where we talk about the fact we have all been programmed, that we can become a conscious participant in that programming and our responsibility to have the ability to control our thoughts emotions, biases, attachments and judgements. You see, the lens in which we see the world is foggy. It is distorted by all of our judgements, attachments, beliefs and past experiences and if you ReProgram and ReFrame the meaning behind all of this, you change your reality.


Module 4: Action Time


Welcome to Module 4, where the rubber hits the road. This is where it is now up to you to become the person you were always meant to be. This is the time for you to step into your future self and become more aware of your surroundings. In this module we will talk about designing your life for happiness, how to start deprogramming the habits that don’t serve you and ReProgramming habits that do serve you. We will touch on several activities that you can start doing that will help with this whole process. At this stage, if you truly want change, it is up to you to integrate this into your life, or regress back to your old behaviours. If you love your life and just want to go from momentary happiness and bliss to happiness and bliss all the time, then you can still take responsibility and follow all of what has been said in this program, and simply accommodate and accept your life for what it is and where you are. If you truly want to step into the human you can be, do the work, and you will step into that life. You have time. Enjoy the journey, because there may not be an end.

If you have been intuitively feeling that not all is right, this may have some answers for you...

In the program, I discuss the fact we don't know anything... this extends to me as well. In a strange turn of events, by following these simple steps; by controlling ones thoughts and emotions, and being in conscious control of our programming, we can all live our life's purpose, which is more profound than any words in any book can describe. You will also find increases in the following aspects of your life:







Do you relate to Samantha's Story?

Samantha, a driven and accomplished individual, felt a growing sense of hopelessness and dissatisfaction with her life despite her previous success. Her once bright and ambitious spirit was replaced by a looming feeling of emptiness that seemed to be consuming her from within, and she couldn't find out where it was coming from or why.

The weight of her dissatisfaction became too much to bear, causing her to gain weight, lose interest in activities she once enjoyed and withdraw from the people she loved. Her career began to suffer, and her physical and mental health took a hit as she neglected self-care, resorting to alcohol and prescription medication to numb her pain. It wasn't until Samantha took ownership of her thoughts and emotions, and started practicing mindfulness and meditation that she began to see a glimmer of hope. 

By reframing her negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, she was able to cultivate a greater sense of purpose and direction in her life. The practice of mindfulness helped her to rediscover her values and passions, leading to a shift in her career and personal life, and the formation of deeper, more meaningful relationships with her loved ones.

Her family were amazed with Samantha's transformation, which you can get instant access to right now. This ReProgram Mini Online was built for the busy person to hear and feel how they to can make major changes in their life through making small changes in themselves. 


3 Month Membership to Henosis Foundation Membership and access an integration support network and much more, worth $63 dollars, free!

Whether you're facing your dark night of the soul, exploring shadow work or simply experiencing something strange that you can't explain, it's nice to go through these times with a community that understands with non-judgements. Membership to Henosis Foundation Membership will give you access to our Members Only experiences and programs, you'll receive discounts and an invitation to our community on Discord.

What makes us different

If you're unsure where to begin in your search for your purpose, you've come to the right place. Imagine your body is a tool that you haven't been given instructions for, and even before you can read those instructions, you have to learn the language.

By taking charge of your internal world, you can gradually quiet your mind and open yourself up to new information, enabling you to access the manual you need to regain control of your life.

This is a start...

About Cameron Quin

Cameron Quin's upbringing was challenging, and it was a combination of a difficult family environment, his insatiable curiosity, and boredom that led him down a destructive path. By the age of thirteen, he was heading towards jail or the morgue due to his association with the wrong crowd, with his actions resulting in two hospitalisations and a suspension from high school for a month. Eventually, his behaviour became so problematic, his father sent him to boarding school in New Zealand, which marked the beginning of transforming his life.

It seems by chance, after completing high school, Cameron began attending university, being the first in his family. However, he dropped out after being introduced to self-improvement and business education from private institutions. Over the next decade, over a quarter of a million dollars was invested into these programs, which ultimately helped Cameron become a successful entrepreneur. He founded a solar fund that raised $350 million dollars in its first three years, a mental health technology company that serves nearly a hundred thousand corporate employees in Asia and was mentoring and consulting with hundreds of business owners since the age of 22.

Despite his achievements, Cameron faced constant problems and troubles, which he struggled to understand until he had a spiritual awakening. This transformation led him from being an "atheist" who, with a large appetite was rushing through his limited life to experience as much as possible, to becoming a more conscious and free human being with the awareness and presence to enjoy every moment with more depth. Now, Cameron is in a state of bliss irrespective of his external circumstances.

As a result of this awakening, Cameron realised that his values, behaviours, and beliefs were not entirely his own and were made up of the programming from popular culture, family and the education institutions. His breakthroughs presented his true-self, which had an aversion to some of his behaviours and beliefs, so he decided to make significant changes in his life. It was so powerful and impactful to his life, he founded Henosis, a program to DeProgram & ReProgram our minds to simplify and demystify ancient teachings, allowing individuals to intentionally design their life with a conscious awareness, to basically control what they can then love and appreciate everything else.

How much would you be willing to invest to transform your life? How much if there was no risk?

With a 100% Money Back Guarantee, if it does not resonate with you for any reason, you will receive a full-refund.

Are you ready to start removing the distortions of your reality and see life for the true beauty and awe it is. The price below is to give as many human beings access to this new information as possible. It is in the realm of a quality dinner in Sydney now. If you could get the money back for your last disappointing dinner, and spend 1-hour going through the condensed information in the ReProgram Mini Online that may change your life, would you?

rEProgram Mini Online

Simple, condensed and formulated for transformation and support



not this but only




  • Access to all Four Modules Crafted over a Decade worth $800 (1-hour of Cameron's time)
  • 3-Month Access for 1 Payment
  • 3-Month Henosis Foundation Membership worth $63 
  • Instant Access 



Everything + statistical measurement in change and actionable support



not this but only




  • Everything in ReProgram Mini Online +
  • Lifetime Access
  • Pre-ReProgram Psychological Happiness Assessment to measure the baseline of the Enrolee worth $50
  • Post-ReProgram Psychological Happiness Assessment to the statistical change in the Enrolee worth $50
  • 30 minute private coaching placement call with Cameron Quin to firm up your next steps worth $400
money back
100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If, for any reason, the ReProgram does not resonate with you, you can get a full refund anytime within 60 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

Transform your life and Enroll now

Get instant access to the information that has made Cameron the vibrant, positive and blissful individual he is today.

Cameron Quin's Personal Note

"In all honesty, I have never come across information that is as simple yet powerful as what I'm about to share with you. It took me years of hard work, perseverance, and self-reflection to overcome my own limiting beliefs, judgements and attachments, most of which I wasn't even aware of.

Once I made a breakthrough, the blockages just kept coming undone one after the other. If you invest just 80 minutes to grasp the message of this program, I promise it will have a profound impact on your life, just as it did on mine. Thats why there is a 100% money back guarantee...

Thank you for taking the time to invest in yourself, and I'm excited to connect with you on the other side."


