Henosis ReProgram Elite Membership

The only Transformation Coaching Program that combines new scientific discoveries with ancient wisdom to DeProgram & ReProgram your life. This is for those who want to take their current reality to the next level guaranteed! 

What can Transformational Coaching Help you with?

Overcoming limiting beliefs:

Transformational coaching can help you challenge and overcome the negative beliefs that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential.

Developing self-awareness:

 Transformational coaching can help you develop a better understanding of yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, and values.

Cultivating positive habits:

Transformational coaching can help you establish new habits that support your goals, such as exercise, healthy eating, and regular self-reflection.

Enhancing your decision-making skills:

Transformational coaching can help you make more informed decisions by clarifying your options, weighing the pros and cons, and identifying potential obstacles.

Finding meaning and purpose:

Transformational coaching can help you connect with your sense of purpose and meaning in life, and support you in aligning your actions with your deeper values and goals.

Clarifying your goals and priorities:

A transformational coach can help you identify what is truly important to you and align your actions with your values.

Time is now

for new beginnings!

Either we are in control of our mind, or the mind is in control of us. Which is it for you?

The journey from frustrated, struggling, stressed and confused to joyful, fulfilled, successful and happy does not need to happen only once you've hit rock bottom anymore. It can years, if not decades for some to recover from such a depressive state of existential crisis, to relationship challenges, jumping from one drama to the next. No more do you need to succumb to decades of programming. 

There is a bright future ahead for you!

  • The Henosis ReProgram Elite Membership is a 12 month Program to change and transform your life.
  • We hold your hand and provide you the information and guidance to start actively participating in the programming of your life, using the innate technologies you have access to in your mind, body and soul.
  • We were not taught this at school, although it is possible to control our thoughts and emotions, because the truth is, if you're not controlling your thoughts and emotions, they're controlling you... and if you're not in control, you're out of control.

So what does the ReProgram Elite Membership give you access to?

  • As a member of the ReProgram Elite Membership, you will gain access to One-on-One Coaching with an experienced and qualified practitioner, who are experienced in multiple disciplines, worthy of such a responsibility.
  • Throughout your journey, Henosis team will be providing you with diagnostic assessments so we can reliably and quantifiably map your journey from baseline, to the new you, into the future.
  • You will gain access to online resources in our Membership area;
  • A support network of real people who have walked the path you're on across multiple private social channels.

Don't wait until

you need it...

We seem to be programmed to truly believe our knowledge is superior, and with that, we hold onto what we know, until one day, our experience of rock bottom happens, which leads us to question that knowledge for the first time... opening up the reality it may have been us, and not 'them.'

These are called 'Dark Night of the Soul' moments or 'Mid-life Crisis'... but times have changed and we no longer need to wait until we're in a great deal of pain to open ourselves up to ancient (new in the Western world) wisdom. You're reading this because you have a gut feeling, or intuition leading you this way... listen to it...

There are 3 core pillars of the 
Henosis ReProgram Elite Membership


Coaching & Accountability

  • Embark on a transformational journey with confidence
  • Dedicated and experienced coaches will support you
  • Access to additional expert partners and specialists
  • Receive guidance, advice, and accountability
  • Confidently navigate towards your desired outcome
  • Never wonder what to do next
  • Get help making the right choices.

Diagnosis & Activities

  • Identify and address areas holding you back
  • Biases, judgments, and ego can cloud your perspective
  • Coaching program offers expert support
  • Diagnostic tools and activities uncover blind spots
  • Reveal areas of your life needing attention
  • Let go of what's not serving you
  • Tailored approach to track progress and celebrate success


  • Transformational journey requires support and encouragement
  • ReProgram offers a community of like-minded individuals
  • Safe & welcoming space to share struggles and triumphs
  • Connect with others on a similar journey
  • Stay on track towards achieving your goals
  • Never feel alone in your transformational journey

Who is this for?


Successful in your field yet not feeling satisfied with the direction of your life.


Beings not willing to make dramatic change in their lives.

Seekers and explorers looking to expand their awareness and make the changes for a successful future, in the present.

Coachable beings who are looking for expert guidances and support along their spiritual journey.

Beings who are not open to see that it is in fact, themselves in their own way.

Beings who are not open to new ways of thinking.


What is transformational coaching, and how does it work?

Transformational coaching is a type of coaching that focuses on personal and professional growth and aims to facilitate significant, long-lasting changes in an individual's life. It is a holistic approach that addresses a person's mindset, behaviours, and emotions, and seeks to align their actions with their values and goals.

Henosis difference is we focus more time and energy on what you cannot see, meaning spiritual growth. Our Integration Coaches, while following their standard protocols act as a mirror to your language and thoughts so together, we can uncover why and where behaviours and thoughts have come from, in order to start unfolding your new life.

The coach may use various techniques and tools to facilitate the coaching process, such as:

  • Active listening: The coach listens to the client's concerns and helps them clarify their goals and priorities.
    Powerful questioning: The coach asks thought-provoking questions to help the client gain deeper insights into their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Goal-setting: The coach helps the client set realistic, specific, and measurable goals.
  • Accountability: The coach holds the client accountable for their actions and progress towards their goals.
  • Feedback: The coach provides constructive feedback to help the client improve their performance and outcomes.
  • Visualisation and positive affirmation: The coach may use visualisation and positive affirmations to help the client develop a growth mindset and cultivate positive beliefs and attitudes.

    Through these techniques and the coaching relationship, transformational coaching helps clients to gain clarity, improve their self-awareness, develop new skills and habits, overcome limiting beliefs and obstacles, and achieve their goals in a sustainable way.

Will coaching be tailored to My specific needs and goals?

Every being is a unique expression of their lifes experiences, beliefs, attachments, judgments and much more which means, every coaching call is unique and will be focusing on your needs and goals. Occasionally, those needs are not the needs you thought you needed, as you will be unaware of what you are unaware of, which is more than you're aware of.

Can coaching be done virtually or in-person?

Coaching is always done online.

How long does coaching last, and how often are sessions held?

Coaching sessions will range from 1 hour + and depending on your membership level, will be held from once a month to once a week.

What specific issues or challenges can coaching help with?

Transformational coaching can help individuals with a wide range of personal, professional and spiritual issues and challenges, including:

  1. Overcoming limiting beliefs: Coaching can help individuals identify and overcome negative beliefs and self-talk that may be holding them back from achieving their full potential.
  2. Personal growth and development: Coaching can help individuals explore their values, beliefs, and life purpose, and support them in achieving personal growth and fulfillment.
  3. Wellness and self-care: Coaching can help individuals prioritize their physical and mental health and develop self-care habits that support their overall well-being.
  4. Career transitions: Coaching can help individuals identify their passions, values, and strengths, and explore new career options or navigate career changes.
  5. Leadership development: Coaching can help individuals enhance their leadership skills, such as communication, delegation, and conflict resolution.
  6. Time management: Coaching can help individuals improve their time management skills and create more effective daily routines and habits.
  7. Stress management: Coaching can help individuals develop coping strategies and tools to manage stress and improve overall well-being.
  8. Relationship issues: Coaching can help individuals improve their communication skills, manage conflicts, and build stronger and more fulfilling relationships.
  9. Goal-setting and achievement: Coaching can help individuals set specific and measurable goals, develop action plans, and stay accountable to achieve their desired outcomes.
  10. Creativity and innovation: Coaching can help individuals overcome creative blocks, develop new ideas, and innovate in their personal and professional lives.

