
How do I control my thoughts and emotions? 

 April 4, 2023

By  Cameron

Are you wondering how to gain control over your thoughts and emotions? The answer lies in the practice of meditation, mindfulness, and breathwork. However, before diving into these techniques, it’s crucial to decide if you are willing to take responsibility for everything that has occurred and will occur in your life. Without assuming complete responsibility (being response-able), your ego might obstruct your path, hindering your progress and protecting you forcefully, even without your consent. By relinquishing your power to respond, you limit your potential.

While we all wish change could come effortlessly and without discomfort, the reality is that it requires action. Prior to taking action, it’s beneficial to deepen your understanding and have those “aha” moments about your ability to control your thoughts and emotions, which in turn can transform your life.

If you desire to reach this stage within 80 minutes, our signature online program, ReProgram Online, guides you through the foundational work necessary to approach meditation seriously and integrate it into your daily life.

“Wisdom is not power unless integrated into your life.”

In this article, we will focus our attention on meditation, as it is the most powerful technique among meditation, mindfulness, and breathwork.

There are various meditation techniques, each with its unique focus and approach. Here are some of the most common and effective ones:

Breath Meditation: This technique involves concentrating on the breath and observing it without judgment. It can entail counting breaths or simply being aware of the sensations as the breath flows in and out of your body.

Body Scan Meditation: With this technique, you bring awareness to different parts of your body, starting from the top of your head and moving down to your toes. The goal is to release tension and be mindful of the physical sensations in each part of your body.

Loving-Kindness Meditation: This technique involves cultivating feelings of love, kindness, and compassion towards yourself and others. It often entails repeating phrases such as “may I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be safe, may I live with ease.”

Mantra Meditation: This technique involves repeating a word or phrase, such as “om” or “peace,” to focus the mind and induce relaxation.

Visualization Meditation: With this technique, you create mental images or visualize serene scenes, such as a calm beach or a tranquil forest, to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Walking Meditation: This technique involves walking slowly and mindfully, paying attention to the sensations in your body and the environment around you.

Sound Meditation: This technique involves listening to calming sounds, such as nature sounds or singing bowls, to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Chakra Meditation: This type of meditation focuses on the seven energy centers in the body known as chakras. You can visualize each chakra as a spinning wheel of energy, aiming to bring balance and harmony to each one.

Transcendental Meditation: This technique involves the repetition of a mantra or sound silently to yourself. The objective is to enter a state of deep relaxation and inner peace.

Remember, the most important aspect is to find a meditation technique that resonates with you and that you enjoy practicing.

Here are three remarkable meditations that you can follow along with:

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s “Blessing of the Energy Centers”: This meditation is a powerful tool for harnessing the body’s natural healing abilities and aligning with the energy of the universe. We will provide a step-by-step guide on how to practice this transformative meditation and reap its full benefits.

Tony Robbins’ “Daily Priming”: Tony Robbins has developed a powerful priming exercise that combines breathwork, visualization, and gratitude. It’s an effective way to start your day with a positive mindset and increased energy.

Wim Hof Breathing Meditation: Wim Hof’s breathing technique involves specific patterns of deep breaths followed by breath retention. It’s known to enhance focus, reduce stress, and boost energy levels.

Dr Joe Dispenza’s Blessing of the Energy Centers Meditation

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s “Blessing of the Energy Centers” meditation is a powerful tool for harnessing the body’s natural healing abilities and aligning with the universe’s energy. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to practice this meditation and gain the full benefits of this transformative practice.

Step 1: Find a Quiet and Comfortable Place to Meditate

To practice this meditation, you need to find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed for at least 30 minutes. It’s essential to make sure that you are comfortable, as you will be sitting in one position for an extended period.

Step 2: Get into a Relaxed State

Once you have found a quiet and comfortable place, sit down in a chair with your back straight and your feet firmly on the ground. Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes, allowing yourself to relax.

Step 3: Visualize the Energy Centers

The next step is to visualize the energy centers in your body. These energy centers, also known as chakras, are the seven main energy centers that run through your body. Starting at the base of your spine, the energy centers move up to the top of your head.

As you focus on each energy center, visualize it as a spinning ball of light. The color of each energy center is as follows:

Root Chakra (Base of spine) – Red
Sacral Chakra (Lower abdomen) – Orange
Solar Plexus Chakra (Upper abdomen) – Yellow
Heart Chakra (Center of chest) – Green
Throat Chakra (Base of throat) – Blue
Third Eye Chakra (Between eyebrows) – Indigo
Crown Chakra (Top of head) – Violet
Step 4: Introduce Gratitude

After visualizing the energy centers, introduce gratitude into your meditation. Start by focusing on your heart chakra, and imagine a bright light emanating from it. As you focus on this light, think of someone or something that you are grateful for.

Repeat this process for each energy center, starting with the root chakra and working your way up to the crown chakra. For each energy center, think of something you are grateful for, and allow yourself to feel the gratitude in your body.

Step 5: Send Out Love and Gratitude to the Universe

Once you have gone through all seven energy centers, imagine a bright light emanating from your heart chakra, filling your entire body with love and gratitude. Visualize this light expanding beyond your body, filling the room you are in, and extending out to the universe.

Allow yourself to bask in this feeling of love and gratitude, knowing that you are in alignment with the universe’s energy.

Step 6: End Your Meditation

After spending some time in this state, slowly bring your awareness back to your body. Take a few deep breaths and feel your body coming back into the present moment.

When you feel ready, open your eyes and take a moment to ground yourself. Reflect on the experience and notice how you feel. It’s essential to take this time to honor yourself and the transformative experience you just had.

In conclusion, Dr. Joe Dispenza’s “Blessing of the Energy Centers” meditation is a powerful tool for aligning with the universe’s energy and harnessing the body’s natural healing abilities. By following these simple steps, you can easily practice this meditation and gain the full benefits of this transformative practice.


carie snyder

“This is no joke. I’ve been in a tough situation for over a year now. I realized that the only way out is to raise my state of consciousness. I did this meditation and literally 10 minutes later, what I consider a miracle happened. Wow. I commit to practicing this meditation daily. Thank you for sharing this. Heaven and Hell are merely states of consciousness. When you’re stuck in Hell you forget this simple concept. Today I remembered.


Tony Robbins Daily Priming Meditation

Tony Robbins is a world-renowned motivational speaker, life coach, and author who has helped millions of people achieve their goals and improve their lives. One of his most effective tools for achieving success and personal growth is the daily priming meditation. This simple yet powerful practice can help you reduce stress, increase focus, and achieve your goals. In this article, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to practice Tony Robbins’ daily priming meditation.

Step 1: Find a quiet and comfortable place to meditate

The first step to practicing the daily priming meditation is to find a quiet and comfortable place to meditate. This could be a quiet room in your home, a park, or any other place where you can be alone and free from distractions. It is important to find a place where you can relax and focus without interruption.

Step 2: Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths

Once you have found a quiet and comfortable place to meditate, sit down and take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes and allow your body to relax. Take a few more deep breaths and focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale.

Step 3: Focus on gratitude

The next step is to focus on gratitude. Begin by thinking about three things you are grateful for in your life. These could be anything from your health to your relationships to your career. As you focus on these things, feel the gratitude in your heart and allow that feeling to fill you up.

Step 4: Visualize your ideal day

Once you have focused on gratitude, it’s time to visualize your ideal day. Imagine waking up in the morning feeling energized and excited for the day ahead. Visualize yourself going through your day with ease and accomplishing everything you set out to do. See yourself interacting with others in a positive way and feeling confident and empowered.

Step 5: Set your intentions

The next step is to set your intentions for the day. Think about the goals you want to achieve and the actions you need to take to make them happen. Visualize yourself taking those actions and achieving your goals. Focus on the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with achieving your goals.

Step 6: Repeat positive affirmations

The final step is to repeat positive affirmations. These are statements that affirm your positive qualities and strengths. Repeat affirmations such as “I am strong,” “I am capable,” and “I am deserving of success.” As you repeat these affirmations, feel the confidence and self-assurance they bring.

In conclusion, practicing Tony Robbins’ daily priming meditation is a powerful tool for achieving success and personal growth. By focusing on gratitude, visualizing your ideal day, setting your intentions, and repeating positive affirmations, you can reduce stress, increase focus, and achieve your goals. Follow these simple steps to incorporate daily priming meditation into your daily routine and experience the positive changes it can bring to your life.

Joanie Meiman

This touches the depth of my soul each time. Tony, you’re a gift from heaven above. Thank you for being God’s liaison, and teaching us how to be present in our lives. We’re all in this together! Peace—


Wim Hof Breathing Technique

Wim Hof, also known as “The Iceman,” is a Dutch extreme athlete and pioneer in the field of human performance. He is known for his ability to withstand extreme cold and his innovative techniques for achieving optimal physical and mental health. One of his most popular techniques is the Wim Hof breathing meditation, which is a powerful tool for reducing stress, improving focus, and increasing energy. In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to practice the Wim Hof breathing meditation.

Step 1: Find a comfortable and quiet place to meditate

The first step in practicing the Wim Hof breathing meditation is to find a quiet and comfortable place to meditate. It can be anywhere you feel relaxed and free from distractions. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.

Step 2: Begin the breathing technique

Once you are in a comfortable position, start the Wim Hof breathing technique by taking 30 deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale fully through your mouth, allowing your chest and belly to expand and contract with each breath. After the 30th breath, exhale fully and hold your breath for as long as you can without straining.

Step 3: Hold your breath

After you have exhaled fully, hold your breath for as long as you can without straining. This is known as the retention phase. Hold your breath until you feel the need to breathe in again, and then inhale deeply through your nose.

Step 4: Hold your breath again

After you have taken a deep breath, hold it again for as long as you can without straining. This is the second retention phase. Hold your breath until you feel the need to exhale, and then exhale fully through your mouth.

Step 5: Repeat the process

Repeat the entire process for two more rounds, taking 30 deep breaths each time, holding your breath on the exhale and inhale, and then exhaling fully. After the third round, sit quietly for a few minutes and observe the sensations in your body.

Step 6: Practice regularly

To experience the full benefits of the Wim Hof breathing meditation, it is recommended to practice it regularly. Start with one or two rounds per day and gradually increase the number of rounds as you feel more comfortable. You can also experiment with different times of day to see when the practice works best for you.

In conclusion, the Wim Hof breathing meditation is a powerful technique for reducing stress, improving focus, and increasing energy. By following these simple steps, you can incorporate this practice into your daily routine and experience the many benefits it has to offer.

Follow along with Wim Hof here or if you want an alternative meditation, try Blessing Centers from Joe or Priming Practice by Tony.

This is a meditations similar to the blessings of the energy centre and priming.


Cameron Quin, once an atheist, embarked on a soul-stirring transformation following a profound peyote ceremony. Over 4 years, traversing 14 countries, he dedicated himself to integrating divine wisdom into his life's fabric. Engaging with diverse individuals globally, Cameron discovered a shared resonance with a message—an urgent need for safe spiritual integration.

Amidst his spiritual odyssey, Cameron’s business acumen shone through with big achievements. As a co-founder behind Solar Bay, he spearheaded a fund who raised $350M to invest in renewable energy, and as a driving force of Mind You, a mental health support enterprise for Asian employees, he realised the impactful fusion of his values with entrepreneurial success.

Embracing spiritual growth, Cameron's journey has been a tapestry woven with insights from revered masters and deep experiences. His dedication to unraveling complex spiritual concepts into relatable wisdom underscores his mission. "My evolving comprehension has brought profound positive shifts in every aspect of life, from nurturing relationships to unlocking boundless potential, happiness and love" he shares. Cameron believes in leveraging his experiences to alleviate unnecessary suffering and dismantle societal stigmas surrounding spirituality, offering a unique blend of spiritual enlightenment and business acumen to inspire and guide others toward holistic growth.

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