Conquering Volcanoes for a Cause: A 138km Adventure Hike, Paddle, and Ride in Guatemala 

An awe inspiring adventure for the seeker of challenges and philanthropic heart. Raised proceeds go to a local children's orphanage, two underprivileged children's education programs and a save the water campaign.

Day 1

Lximche -> Panajachal
- 45km Trail Ride

A very sacred and ancient Maya site, Lximche, was the last capital to fall to the Spanish, and our starting point, pyramids and ancient ruins. Start with an early morning traditional ceremony right after breakfast in Tecpan at 2300m altitude.

We will make it from Lximche to Panajachel by bike across a 65% flat, 30% downhill, 5% wavy, 85% dirt and gravel road and 15% pavement 45km trail. We will experience the beauty of the backcountry highland timber forests, rural farms, mountains all whilst doing river crossings. This leads out to a gorgeous view to introduce the stunning Lake Atitlán via a downhill section. We will then pass through Santa Catarina Palopo, famous for the painted town center with traditional patterns, usually woven onto clothing.

Before we end in Panajachal for sunset at 6pm for a delicious dinner with drink options, we will get to visit one of the child centered non-profits we will be supporting. 

Day 2

Panajachel -> Santa Clara
- 8km Kayak
- 5km Hiking
- 20km Bike

Sunrise Kayaking at 5.30am from Panajachel to Jaibalito, 1565m altitude. 8km of distance of usually flat and calm water at this hour. Passing the sprawling wetlands of the Rio Quiscab for excellent morning for bird and fishermen scenery in our traditional dig out canoes. We also get to witness the fortress city, Santa Crus, nestled high up in the mountains from the lake. Breakfast will be at the stunning cliffside Casa Del Mundo for delicious smothies at one of the best swim sites, with the best views. 

We then move from Jaibalito -> Chuisanchaj for a beautiful 4km hike to the top of the mountains and one of the most stunning expansive views of the entire lake. It includes 800m of ascent and we will enjoy a wholesome lunch with homemade kombucha and artisan boch bier at 2400m altitude. 

Next is Chuisanchaj -> Santa Clara via a 20km bike. This ride is 60% flat, 35% downhill, and 5% wavy. We travel up to a famous 'Indian's Nose' for sunset  and to take us up to our camp site for the evening is an additional 30 minute 1km hike, with 150m of elevation. Why camping? Because this is the greatest spot on the continent for sunrise, and rather than waking up at 3.30am, we wake up to it. Good camping gear is supplied as it can get a little chilly. 

Day 3

Santa Clara -> San Marcos
- 10km Cycle
- 5km Kayak or 11km Cycle

At 5.30am we awake to sunrise across 6 volcanoes and a vast portion of Lake Atitlán. We will then hike into town and cycle the infamous "17 vueltas," 17 switchbacks leading down 10kms with 700 meters of descent. We'd have breakfast at the Emporium, where Guatamala's only BTC ATM is, with a BYC friendly menu and ordering system.

We also have a great opportunity to visit the home the best on the planet source of Cacao. The locals who are running stakeholder farmer programs in a place called Chicacao, right off the Pacific slopes of Atitlán where they will host us for ceremony in a nature reserve called Tzankunjil, which includes an impressive lake view. We may be in luck to be guided by Mark Elmy, one of the most dedicated people protecting the Mayan culture, keeping the Mayan calendar for 7 years and posting daily updates on the area for over 7 years.

We will then eat lunch at the nonprofit, purposeful kitchen, Konojel Community Center who support and employ widowed or struggling single mothers or the at risk with all the proceeds going to deed and educate the most at risk and poverty stricken children in the area.

We finish the day with a 5km Kayak to San Pedro if winds permit, or alternatively we will bicycle 11km there. We will be enjoying beautiful lodging and will be having dinner in San Pedro town.

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